Stefani Germanotta

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A Red One (Konvict)...
Beautiful, dirty, dirty rich...
Cherry cherry boom boom...
Cork's off, it's on the party's just begun...
Damn I love the jag the jet and the mansion...
Don't be scared...
Everybody's got to love each other...
Get back, bunny...
He ate my heart, he a-a-ate my heart...
Hello, hello, baby you called, I cant hear a thing...
Hey there, sugar baby...
Hold her hand through the black light...
I came down the mountain...
I can be good, if you just wanna be bad...
I can't help myself...
I can't remember when...
I confess I am lost...
I know that we are young. And I know you may love me...
I love that lavender blonde...
I never was the kind of girl...
I stand here waiting...
I was 23 She was 35...
I'm gonna Marry the Night...
In your brown eyes, walked away...
It doesn't matter if you love him, or capital H-I-M...
It's been a long time since I came around...
Just another way to prove I love you And it's hard today...
(Last night) Our lovers' quarrel...
Let's have some fun, this beat is sick...
Midnight rush, with a pen in my hand...
Mum mum mum mah...
My body is sanctuary...
Nowhere yaah we're goin' nowhere fast...
Silicone, saline, poison, inject me Baby...
Sometimes a story has no end...
Take my hand, stay Joanne...
There ain't no reason you and me should be alone...
Where are the crowd...
You tell me it gets better, it gets better in time...
You're giving me a million reasons to let you go...
You've gotta lotta lotta...
Young, wild, American...
Your love is nothing I can't fight...
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