Boney M

I'm Born Again

(Helmut Rulofs, Fred Jay)
Тональность: 0

1 из 2
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1 из 2
2 из 2
    A#    D#            A#
I'm born again, I feel free
    D#	   A#
No longer alone
    A#		    D#
A bright light is shining
      A#        D#          F   F7
And shows me a world that I own
       A#          A#7
I can see my way through
    D#	       A#	   F F7
I know I will walk beside you
	    A#	      D#	     A#
All those prayers of mine weren't in vain
    D#	   A#
I'm born again

I'm born again, I feel free
There's a quite different me
No longer I'm tossed like a ship
On an unruly sea
I've been blessed with a love
That's meant for the rest of my time
All those prayers they were not in vain
I'm born again

Since love touched my heart right
My life has a meaning
   A#			 	   F
I feel I'm no longer drifting in space
     A#                                 D#
I believe once again that there is a tomorrow
    A#          D#        F         A#
A brand new tomorrow, I know I can face

I'm born again, I feel free
No longer alone
A bright light is shinning
And shows me a world that I own
I can see my way through
I know I will walk beside you
All those prayers of mine weren't in vain
I'm born again

           A#           D#          A#
All those prayers they were not in vain
     D#	    A#
I'm born again

Список песен по алфавиту

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